Avoid These 7 Types of People

Kick negativity out of your life

Arjun Sachdev
3 min readDec 2, 2022

Negativity is contagious, if you sit or hang around negative people, your life will automatically get filled with negativity.

Photo by Hello I'm Nik on Unsplash

We don’t acknowledge it much but the environment plays a great role in how we behave and what sort of character we become.

Where you live and what type of people surround you plays a very crucial role in how your life will turn out.

No wonder why companies pay huge sums of money to develop a thriving culture in their organization so that each employee and customer can derive value from the organization.

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Here are the 7 types of negative people from whom you should maintain a healthy distance

Recently, I read “Think Like a Monk” and in the chapter on Negativity, the author mentioned that most negative people could be categorized in one or more of the below mentioned

1. The Complainers: These are usually the people who always have complaints and that too endless complaints, they never attempt to look above and try to find solutions to their problems

2. The Cancellers: These people perceive things to cancel out, if you compliment saying “You look great today”, they reply “Okay, so I wasn’t looking great yesterday”. You see they cancel out things and never try to get what the other individual was trying to say

3. Casualties: They think the whole world is trying to conspire against them and they blame others for their problems, people who have a victim mindset fall into this category

4. The Critics: These are the people who judge others for having different from them, any different choice you make and the critics start judging you

5. The Commanders: These are the people who try to command and pressurize other people, they want their commands to be respected without trying the understand the situations and circumstances of other individuals

6. The Competitors: The people who always compare things with friends, family and neighbours, for them life is not to be lived but a competition to be won. Often, we have to play down our success around these people because we know they can’t appreciate it

7. The Controllers: These are people who always try to control others and when someone does something different from what they desire, they get upset or offended or both.

The majority of the people in the world could be categorized in one or more of these categories.

Let me know in the comments if you agree to this and how many people around you fall into these categories

Thank you for patiently reading



Arjun Sachdev

Hey, I am book blogger @silly.reader (Instagram) and www.theimprovementterminal.com where I write about self-improvement and books.