29 Great Lessons on Relationships

Arjun Sachdev
5 min readNov 12, 2022

I read this book recently “Reflections of a Man” by Amari Soul, and I feel it is probably one of the finest books I have read on how to handle relationships

  1. How you should treat your partner
  2. How to handle breakups
  3. How to handle if your partner cheats on you
  4. If you should give them a second chance or not

and many more great lessons

Photo by Everton Vila on Unsplash

Sharing some thought-provoking lines from the book which hit hard and made me think

  1. When a man cheats on a woman, it’s not so much the physical act that hurts her; it’s the feeling of her being emotionally betrayed by the one person she loved and trusted to never to do such a thing…that’s what hurts the most.
  2. Just because you are willing to forgive him, doesn’t necessarily mean he gets an automatic second chance.
  3. You can’t change a man, but you can definitely be a big part of the reason he decides to change.
  4. Respect and trust are at the very foundation of any healthy relationship. Without them, everything else quickly disappears; everything except love. Love doesn‘t disappear right away. It first slowly turns into frustration, followed by resentment. This evolution will leave you, not with the memories of the love you once shared, but with the feelings of resentment and regret that you now feel.
Photo by Oziel Gómez on Unsplash

5. The worst feeling you can have is the feeling of being stuck in a physical relationship with someone you have already emotionally separated from.

6. A strong woman knows that being strong is not an option for her, it’s a necessity.

7. The reality is that sometimes, it takes more strength to let go than it does to keep holding on.

8. When you forgive, you don’t do it for the other person’s sake, you do it for your own sanity and peace of mind.

9. The past is what it is; you can’t change it. What you can do is learn from it and use that to make better decisions in the future. Will it be easy…no. Will you have your moments…yes, but over time, you’ll find peace in knowing they no longer have that power over you. Now, when you see them you can finally smile and say to yourself, “I’m finally free from you.”

10. Sometimes, the only person who can help you is you.

11. A man with insecurities is a very difficult man to deal with, especially for a strong, ambitious woman.

Photo by Boxed Water Is Better on Unsplash

12. There are a lot of things in this world that you, as a woman, could be afraid of, but your man should not be one of them.

13. The wrong man will do something nice for you and complain the whole time while doing it. He’ll then expect you to be happy, not realizing that his attitude ruined everything.

14. They say, “What you don’t know can’t hurt you,” but I disagree. What you don’t know can and will hurt you. And the longer it takes for you to find out, the more it will hurt you in the end.

15. When the trust is gone, everything else will soon follow.

Photo by Ronda Dorsey on Unsplash

16. Trust is not a one-time thing; it’s a constant work in progress. Every day you should be consistently re-evaluating to see if he deserves your trust. That doesn’t necessarily mean you don’t trust him, it simply means you’re not naive to human nature.

17. When you don’t trust the person you’re with, it becomes physically and emotionally exhausting for you to stay in the relationship.

18. Trust just makes everything work smoother. When trust is absent, you end up spending more time mad, not necessarily at what he is doing, but more so at what you think he might be doing. This, as time goes on, will cause you to feel frustrated and exhausted.

19. Cheating is never an accident; it is a conscious decision.

Photo by Deon Black on Unsplash

20. He could be a “good man” and still not be the “right man” for you.

21. Some men have so convinced themselves that a good woman does not exist that they subconsciously will ruin a relationship, with a good woman, just to prove themselves right.

22. A man who doesn’t include you when he talks about his future, either isn’t paying attention or he doesn’t see you as being a part of it.

23. If he changes the way he treats you when he’s around his friends, he either hasn’t been keeping it real with them or he hasn’t been keeping it real with you.

Photo by Christopher Alvarenga on Unsplash

24. What’s more fragile than a woman’s heart? A man’s ego.

25. Some men would be willing to go to any lengths to protect their egos, up to and including lying to you, cheating on you, and ultimately breaking your heart.

26. Any man who makes you feel as if you have to change who you are, as a person, to be with him, is a man that will leave you as soon as he meets the woman he’s trying to make you out to be.

27. The only time a man feels the need to tear you down is when he’s feeling insecure. Because of his insecurities and low self-esteem, he then tries to make you feel smaller in order to make himself feel bigger.

Let me know in the comments if you have anything to add in these lessons



Arjun Sachdev

Hey, I am book blogger @silly.reader (Instagram) and www.theimprovementterminal.com where I write about self-improvement and books.